Uppsala Parkour is proud to present the third annual Girl’s Gathering with world famous Parkour Generations instructors:
Chris “Blane” Rowat
Shirley Darlington
Our main goal with the girl’s gathering is to motivate and inspire girls, beginners and advanced, to try out Parkour and continue with their training. Uppsala Parkour has regularly separate training sessions for girls and guys. Our aim is to increase the amount of participants, mainly focusing on girls.
Day 1, Saturday 15th of September, girls ONLY.
Day 2, Sunday 16th of September, guys and girls.
TIME: Saturday 10:00-19:00, Sunday 10.00-19.00
LOCATION: Juridiska Biblioteket on saturday and Stadsparken on Sunday. (Or the big fountain in front of the Uppsala Central Station 09:30 if you need guidance)
FEE: Girls: 150 SEK, Guys: 100 SEK.
REGISTRATION: Fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
MINIMUM AGE: 15 years.
WHAT TO BRING A bottle of water, Be dressed in comfortable training clothes, that you can move freely in. Make sure to pack light, since we’ll be moving around.
In need of accommodation there will be a rented gymnasium that will be shared with other traceurs/ traceuses. For accommodation of 1 (arriving Saturday) or 2 nights (arriving Friday) a charge of 20 SEK per night will be paid in addition to the participation fee.
Payment details
Girls: 150 SEK for the full weekend. (+ extra 20 SEK per night for accommodation)
Guys: 100 SEK for Sunday (+ extra 20 SEK per night for accommodation).
Included in the price are training and workshop sessions with instructors from Parkour Generations. Seminars with Ola from Mc Whorters Basement. A Girls Gathering tshirt. And for the girls lunch on Saturday.
Payment is done to UPKs bank account number (bankgironummer): 709-2554, Bank: Swedbank. NOTE! Make sure to enter your full name and surname when making the transaction. (For people abroad: IBAN: SE7780000838169145946175 SWIFT/BIC: SWEDSESS.)
Registration is conclusive! Which means, when payment is made, there’s no refund.
You will receive a confirmation email when we’ve received your payment.
Last registration date
Sunday, 9th of September 2012.
SATURDAY, September of 15th, Girls ONLY (there will be a jam for the guys) 10.00 Registration & Welcoming at Juridiska Biblioteket 10.30 Warm up- held by Shirley 11.15 Training at 3 different stations 13.00 LUNCH BREAK 14.00 Opening cermony for the new indoor hall with Parkour, Bouldering, Skate, Dance 15.00 Seminar- about injuries and how to care for them. Held by Ola from MC Worthers Gym. 16.00 Training at 3 different stations 17.30 Conditioning session + cool down with Shirley Darlington. 18.00 Seminar- an open discussion about girl’s way of training, held by Shirley Darlington. 19.00 END DAY 1 |
SUNDAY, September the 16th, Girls & Guys 10.00 Registration & Welcoming at Stadsparken 10.30 Warm up- held by Shirley and Blane 11.30 Training at 3 different stations – held by Shirley Darlington, Chris “Blane” Rowat and UPK instructors. 14.15 LUNCH BREAK 15.30 Seminar held by Blane at Rosénparken 16.15 Training at 2 different stations 18.15 Conditioning session + cool down with Chris “Blane” Rowat. 19.00 END DAY 2 |
Uppsala Parkour Parkour Academy |
Parkour Generations www.girlparkour.com |
Uppsala kommun Aktiv Ungdom |
Mc Whorters Basement www.fruktkuriren.se |
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