UPK Summer Gathering 2017

We are happy to announce our big event for this summer!

UPK Summer Gathering is the continuation of our yearly Girls Gathering event. Our ambition of getting the community together, regardless of gender, age or any other factors remain the same. The name change is out of respect for other girls gathering event that is only for women, and it is no longer really a fitting name for our event when there is no women only classes anymore. The style and feel of the event is going to be very much like last year, only with new coaches :)

The dates are 4-6 August.

International coaches:
Andrea Michelle Brooks – Parkour DXB, Dubai
Franziska Groezinger – Glasgow
Chris Grant – Parkour Generations, Glasgow
Marcus Udsen Grandjean – Copenhagen

For more information please see http://uppsalaparkour.se/upk-summer-gathering-2017/ and we hope to see you at the event!!

Updated our fourth and final international coach this year is Marcus Udsen Grandjean from Copenhagen!